My Past Life Was Mary Ann Todd Lincoln

In November 2021, I was lead, unsuspectingly, to a real past life reveal, and I can honestly say it was traumatic, not fluffy and fun.

I am the same soul as Mary Ann Todd Lincoln.

As we approach Ascension to 5D, our past lives will start to merge and meld, until we finally wake up, as if from a dream, and we remember everything.

Many of you may be having flash backs, and sensations, and certain magnetic draws to periods of time, and certain cultures, because we have lived them all.

My experience was truly unavoidable, and I feel it was thrust upon me, by Q himself, and I could feel him here with me, the entire two weeks of falling apart as I had to deal with this reveal.

It’s been dealt with, I am all the way through it, and not emotional about it, anymore, but I can honestly say it was the most emotional two weeks of my entire life. I literally lost track of time, it was so heavy. And I could feel Q….Mr. Lincoln, with me, the entire time. He guided me through it, and he somehow managed to reach my mind and just say a few things I knew were him, which I will explain in the story.

I did not go seeking it, I was adamantly against being distracted by all that self indulgent belly button searching stuff, and even when I was Q+3730 on December 19th, 2019, and Kabamur and the Pleiadians told me who I was, that I was Arcturian and my name was LUMIA and I am a dancer in my higher soul (as if I didn’t always know that), but AS SOON AS HE SAID ‘and you know Q”, I put the kibosh on it, and told him to stop, I did NOT want to know more, and now I know why.

The truth is, I told Kabamur and others, that I was afraid to find out my past life, because something told me it was heavy, and not to go there, and I told people that, so I was definitely sensing the impending doom of my awakening.

I am the same soul as Mary Ann Todd, and I even have the same initials as Michele Anne Tittler, and the rest of the similarities are uncanny, including how she knew the #Deepstate killed her Mr. Lincoln and she went after them, and they defamed her, because of it.

It all started with me becoming OBSESSED and I mean could not get enough of the 1850s and how people lived, for real. I was watching videos of people who lived as one would in those times, and I could not get enough of them. How to cook on open fires, how they sewed, how they did everything in the 1850s, and then I started obsessing about hoop dresses, and I had to have a hoop dress so badly, that I bought a hoop underskirt, and was going on the hunt for fabric to make a dress the way they would have back then.

It got totally out of control, I was not even living in my own modern world anymore, I was so nostalgic for those times, I was practically soul aching for it.

SOOOOOOOO… all of this, I had no idea who Mary Ann Todd Lincoln was, and in my research of those times, I naturally stumbled across stuff about Abraham Lincoln, and I realized I didn’t know a lot about him, either, and he was Q, so I should start to learn.

Oh…My…God……that’s where it all went sideways, and I swear on my honour, not only did I NOT see ANY of this coming, but when it hit me, which I will explain in a moment, I denied it, and denied it, and fought it and was so mad at Q, that it took two weeks of a blur, and finally one morning I woke up, feeling very calm and safe, and I heard Q say, “who else would it be”, and from that moment on, I acted like a big girl, and took it on.

I realized that Q needed me to do this, for two reasons, number one being that there would have been no way I could have cold call met Q and had those memories come back to me, in public. I was the biggest, most emotional wreck of my entire life, and I cried and cried and cried, because there was SO MUCH to cry about. I had to deal with this in private, with Q. (just writing this made me start crying again)

Secondly, you are all going to start having flash backs, and memories, and you need to know, it’s going to be super weird, but ok. It’s not as exciting as you might think. It’s kind of unnerving. At least it was for me, but I am such a hard ass with that sort of stuff, it took a lot to bring me to this reveal.

Back to the reveal and how it happened… there I am, totally unsuspecting, starting to find out more about President Lincoln, and now it also makes sense WHY it took me so long to go look him up, because the timing had to be right, for my reveal. I am reading about his time, and I see something about his wife, Mary, and from that second, something sparked but I ignored it, and just kept looking.

I barely knew who Mary Ann Todd Lincoln was, when I read something about their home in Springfield, and I suddenly HAD to take a veer off and go see if I could find the house.

I find the house….and before I can even really scope it out, I get my first flash back, and it was so heavy, and so overwhelming, I seriously almost fainted. It took my legs out from under me, and I have never experienced that in my entire life.

Out of nowhere, with total clarity, and unmistakable vision, I saw Mr. Lincoln cross my parlour, and I was in a chair and he was talking to me as he paced in front of the fire.

I dropped my phone and started to shake uncontrollably, and I mean REALLY shake, and I also heard Q then, and I felt him right behind me, holding me, and he said “it’s time, you can do this”.

And I couldn’t. I literally fell apart. I honestly don’t know what happened for those two weeks, except I laid in bed crying, and studying Mary and Abraham.

I recalled his warm body, his face, his voice, his cadence, his ways. I remembered that we loved each other very much, and that we made each other laugh.

From the start with Q, I have always talked to him like I am a wife, and I have always known I can make him laugh, and that I piss him off. I have felt the relationship with Q, the entire way along, and now it all makes sense.

So…for a few weeks, we were in love again, and reunited again, and then it was time to let him go, and so I had to go through the spiritual task of truly letting him go, for the 1st time.

It was very good for me, because I have hung onto him this entire lifetime, but I didn’t know it was Lincoln, specifically, I just knew I lost someone in a past life, that carried into my current life. I said it to everyone, since I was 3, that I lost someone and it was in my life in America. I knew that for sure.

The biggest proof of all, that I am Mary Ann Todd Lincoln, also came to me near the end of those two weeks, and was the other thing that made it impossible to ignore, is…CHICAGO.

My entire life, to hundreds and hundreds of people, I told people I have a past life memory, and I had it all my life, ALL MY LIFE, I had a memory of being in Chicago, at some kind of a dance hall, and there was a celebration, but a sad celebration, and I knew the uniforms were not from WW2 or WW1 but I could never figure out from what war, but everyone was honouring, mourning, and yet celebrating something, and I was there, but stoic inside, and I was floating around the hall, with people partying, but a bitter sweet party, as I always saw it to be, and I am looking at the room, thinking, “HE IS HERE, IF I JUST LOOK HARD ENOUGH, I WILL SEE HIM…..but I know he is not there, but I honestly am trying as hard as I can, to see him through the veil.

That vision has haunted me so severely, my entire life, that I could never really give my heart to anyone in this lifetime, because I told everyone that I lost someone long ago, that no one could replace, and that is the story of my love life, I literally could not give myself to anyone, because I could not let go of whoever it was I lost, in my past life.

Mary went to Chicago to grieve Mr. Lincoln. They held celebrations for him. I never knew that until November- December 2021.

They loved each other….WE loved each other very much, and Mr. Lincoln trusted Mary’s judgement with people, and Mary was the hard ass who mouthed off people and wasn’t afraid, and could hold her own with all those men. She was wickedly smart and super mouthy and fast, and she could out wit them all.

Q knew who he had in this position, and that I would be fiercely loyal to him, wickedly smart, and obnoxiously mouthy, and he knew I would go after the same #Deepstate who killed him, TWICE. (he was also John F. Kennedy sr.) Mary accused them all of conspiring to kill him and she was right. That’s WHY they maligned her and called her “crazy”. Same playbook!



And I don’t really want to find out about anymore past lives, until we Ascend. That one was enough, for now.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for being part of The Great Awakening. I wish you well with your past life reveals and would love to hear about them.


Michele Anne Tittler xo


4 responses to “My Past Life Was Mary Ann Todd Lincoln”

  1. Jeff C. Avatar
    Jeff C.

    Kabamur (Michael) told me that I’m Arcturian as well, and that my Arcturian name is ASIEEK. Two of my own past lives that I’m relatively sure are indeed mine–Judas Iscariot and Alexey Romanov. I wonder if the latter means I “inherit” swaths of Russia post-Putin; Alexey is, after all, a recognized saint of the Russian Orthodox Church. Still, nothing’s worth martyrdom’s blood-money nature. And as for the former, just know that the real Judas was Han Solo to Yeshua’s Luke Skywalker–his lancer, if one thinks of the Apostles like a five-man band. (And yes, the Eucharist was indeed Yeshua open-sourcing Eleusis’s kukeon, albeit with his own unique twists. Consult Brian Muraresku’s The Immortality Key.)
    Also, I highly recommend you read Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time novels, as well as John M. Ford’s The Dragon Waiting. Both late novelists have a whiff of the Arcturian about them, may be soul family, etc.


    1. Michele Anne Tittler Avatar

      That was such a fun read, thanks so much for entering that comment.


  2. LAURA G Avatar

    Thankyou for sharing your experience. Wow what a past life you had. Your explanation on the past life reveal helped me some to understand the experience. I hope I can handle it if it ever happens to me. I’m new to all this. I’m in the beginning process of understanding ascension. Past lives from earth and ones from other planets. I hope to find some more information about my soul.
    I’m waiting for my schedule to calm down some , and my housing to get finalized. Then plan to try take the time to center myself and find some clarity in who I am, where I belong, and what is my purpose.
    Thank you for sharing your experience.,I hope to learn more. ❤️ Laura have a wonderful day 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Michele Anne Tittler Avatar



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