Q Is The Galactic Federation of Light, Jesus Is With Q, Here With Us On Earth

WATCH THESE VIDEOS TO LEARN ABOUT ASCENSION TO 5D EARTH, how the Cabal are Malevolent ETs who rape, torture and cannibalize children, BY THE MILLIONS EACH YEAR, and how they are harvesting souls through torture methods, and that Q is the Galactic Federation Of Light, here to Liberate Earth from the Cabal.




He came for this mission, to assist in the Liberation of Earth

“Jesus is with ORITQ (Q) – TIME TO WAKE UP”

On Bitchute
On Rumble

Q Is Here With Jesus, Preparing for Ascension To 5D Earth


“Jesus Is With Q – They Are Here On Earth” (On Bitchute)

“Jesus Is With Q – They Are Here On Earth” (On Rumble)

On Rumble


On Bitchute
On Rumble

I WAS CONTACTED BY GALACTICS TO BRING DISCLOSURE…below are their transmissions to all of us.

ET Transmissions Video #1 and Video #2

on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ybRU2FOdsXc


6 responses to “Q Is The Galactic Federation of Light, Jesus Is With Q, Here With Us On Earth”

  1. Koreen Hawke 206-972-5049 Avatar
    Koreen Hawke 206-972-5049

    I’ve watched your videos for a little while. The first time was a weird physical experience. Ever since then the frequency continues to get stronger and stronger when I see your videos about the benevolent ET’s. It doesn’t happen when I watch other info about ET’s, like with Kabamur. I felt like I needed to reach out to you again. I’m not a creative writer so you won’t get fluff with me. I don’t know what this reaction means other than to connect with you. I saw your other video about the craziness out there with some people. I would understand if you are sick of people by now. I hope Steve connects with you. I would love to have a conversation and maybe figure out why I’m reacting the way I do.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Michele Anne Tittler Avatar

      I love doing disclosure. It’s so much fun!


  2. Koreen Hawke Avatar
    Koreen Hawke

    Thank you for responding. I know you are busy and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to respond. You have my cell# and my email address. I would love to have a conversation with you. I do have good support with my family. They are also open to this but I’m the one having all the big frequency experiences. They can feel it but it isn’t as powerful with them. I guess I’m wanting connection with like minded people and maybe some guidance or help in understanding. I know we aren’t going to have the complete picture yet but it would be nice to fit more pieces together.
    With much respect,


  3. June R. Avatar

    I just watch the video at the top of this web page. I have to say I’m a little thrown by all of the new for me information you shared. Much of it I’ve know about as I began to awaken around 2015 to the Aluminati, Cabal, Elitists or whatever name people choose to call the evil that has been manipulating mankind for a very long time. It has been difficult process. The most difficult part to except in this video is the part about Jesus Christ not being the son of God and part of the 3 personages of God…the Father, Son & Holy Spirit & who is my Lord and Savior. We as Christians are taught that Satan will try to fool us & come as an angel of light but not to be fooled. How are we supposed to know? One thing I have learned in the awakening process is that just because you’ve always believed something as true doesn’t necessarily mean it is true. However I know God is true and real, I have heard his voice in my mind and experienced many miraculous things in my life that are way more that coincidence. My relationship with God is the one constant since I was 3 years old when He removed my spirit from my body to watch from the ceiling when my mom burned my 5 year old brother on a wood stove when she was shaking & screaming at him because I was so scared I probably would have lost my mind had He not done that. I knew then that there is more to this world than we can see or feel with our 5 senses.
    My 2nd question is about my 3 grown children. They are all in the medical field; my son has already gotten the shot and my daughter who is a CNA and about to enter nursing school is being required to get it to keep her job in assistive living care home and to enter the RN nursing program. My question and fear is what this will do to their DNA. I begged them not to get it but they feel choice has been taken away. Is there hope for the millions who have gotten the shot to reverse the damage? My stepdaughter is a paramedic & much older than my natural children and thankfully said she would quit her job before getting the shot. I’m very worried for my other 2 children & what’s to become of them. The stress over this and the apocalyptic events that seem to be happening in the world worsening everyday is very stressful and fear inducing. I’m trying to walk by faith because God is still on the throne and in charge but these are fearful times we live. Do you have any wisdom to offer for these questions that I’m sure I’m not alone in asking.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jane Avatar

    The few links I’ve clicked so far go to a 404 page and the ORIQ one mentioned above on Rumble, goes to a video about a baby playing with a cat. I’d love to see the original video if you have another link for it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Michele Anne Tittler Avatar

      I added that Jesus video to both Bitchute and my new Rumble account.


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